Rural Fire Department Meeting


** NOTICE **



December 13, 2018 (Thursday) - 5:00 PM at the Town of Seymour Town Hall




1)      Call to order


2)      Approval of the minutes of the November 8, 2018 meeting.


3)           Hear any updates/concerns/discussion regarding:

a) the States retirement program for Fire and EMS

        b) the DNR Grant SRFD has been awarded

c) the “Spillman Touch” module 

d) SRFD Service Award standardization  (December banquet)

e) the Outagamie County Fire Investigation Unit revitalization.

f)  County-wide radio system & MABAS

g) Out County Rescue Task Force Team (active shooter/hostage)

j)  10 Year ISO Audit – City & Rural

4)         Hear any updates/concerns/discussion regarding trucks/equipment/supplies.

5)         Discuss/decide whether compensation should be awarded to anyone for work done by unpaid personnel.


6)         Reports/Comments from Chief Brown


7)         Approval of the Financial Report and paying of bills presented.


8)         Discuss/Decide if an end of the year meeting should take place.  If a meeting is scheduled, what items need to be on the agenda?


9)         Open Discussion/Any other business.


10)    Adjourn