Rural Fire Department Meeting


** NOTICE **



January 10, 2019 (Thursday) - 5:00 PM at the Town of Seymour Town Hall



1)      Call to order


2)      Approval of the minutes of the December 13, 2018 meeting.


3)           Hear any updates/concerns/discussion regarding:

a) the States retirement program for Fire and EMS

        b) the DNR Grant SRFD has been awarded

c) the “Spillman Touch” / ”Motorola Touch” module 

d) SRFD Service Award standardization 

e) the Outagamie County Fire Investigation Unit revitalization.

f)  County-wide radio system & MABAS

g) Out County Rescue Task Force Team (active shooter/hostage)

h) providing fire protection at races at the Seymour Speedway

4)         Hear any updates/concerns/discussion regarding trucks/equipment/supplies.

5)         Discuss/decide on the 2019 Kirsch Tax Service proposal for payroll service.

6)         Discuss/decide on any 2019 personal and/or wage changes that may be needed.

7)         Hear updates regarding the suspension and/or possible termination of firemen and take further action if needed.

8)         Perform the annual review of the Fire Chief/Administrator to discuss his performance and decide if any changes are needed.

9)         Discuss/decide whether some changes may be needed to the By-Laws.

10)     Perform the SRFD Financial Audit IF it is ready.


11)     Reports/Comments from Chief Brown


12)     Approval of the Financial Report and paying of bills presented.


13)   Open Discussion/Any other business.

14)     Adjourn